Precautions for Edible Wild Vegetables in Spring

People like to eat wild herbs and think that they are fresh and not polluted. They are good for the body. Wild vegetables do not contain fat and cholesterol. They are rich in inorganic salts, vitamins and other nutrients the body needs. The crude fiber contained in it can also promote the secretion of digestive juices. Gastrointestinal peristalsis helps absorption of nutrients and excretion of metabolic waste. However, experts have warned that eating wild vegetables is also stressful. If you do not pay attention, it will be counterproductive and unfavorable to your health. There are also several important precautions when eating wild herbs.

First, pay attention to cooking methods for wild vegetables. The cuisine of wild vegetables focuses on maintaining its “wild taste”. They can fry, cold, and make stuffing. They can also cook, boil, cook and cook. They can also make soups or raw food. The key lies in the difference in wild vegetables. The features choose different cooking methods.

Second, the wild herbs should be fresh, and the time between washing and cooking should not be too long to avoid the loss of vitamins and inorganic salts.

Third, wild food must not be eaten. Wild vegetables are generally less polluted and indeed have a different flavor. They can be described as natural foods, but everything is appropriate. Excessive consumption of wild vegetables, due to the cold of most wild vegetables, cold, easy to cause spleen, cold stomach and other diseases. A few wild vegetables such as fish leeks have micro-toxicity, eat more harmful, ferns and other wild vegetables contain allergies, eat more may cause physical discomfort. Therefore, wild vegetables can not be partial eclipse greed.

Fourth, do not eat wild vegetables that you do not know, and it is easy to misunderstand the wild vegetables to avoid food poisoning.

Fifth, the wild vegetables must not be eaten for a long time. The wild vegetables are best eaten and eaten now. Long-lasting wild vegetables are not only not fresh, but also have reduced nutrient content and poor taste.

Sixth, bitter wild vegetables should not eat more, bitter taste of wild vegetables, bitter cold, there are detoxification and defeat the effect of fire, but excessive consumption, damage the spleen and stomach.

Seventh, the contaminated wild vegetables should not be eaten. The air near the chemical plants on the outskirts of the country is poor. The raw vegetables are prone to absorb lead and other chemicals. The wild vegetables along the waste water also often contain toxins, and they are unfit for human consumption.

Fingerprint Safe

Biological fingerprints have the characteristics of uniqueness and stability, without the permission of the highest authority of the manager, any individual without qualified fingerprints can not enter. Therefore, the fingerprint safe relative to other categories of safe, a good solution to the problem of others imitation keys to open the door. If you use a traditional mechanical safe, you may face risks such as having a key made by others or using a special unlocking tool to open the lock.

Traditional safes often require keys or combinations to open, which can be easily lost or forgotten. With a tiger fingerprint safe, you simply need to place your finger on the scanner to open it. This eliminates the need to remember or carry keys or codes, making it more convenient and efficient.

Many tiger fingerprint safes have the ability to store multiple fingerprints in their system. This means that you can grant access to multiple individuals, such as family members or trusted employees, without the need to share keys or combinations. Each person can have their own unique fingerprint registered, ensuring accountability and security.

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