Measures to prolong the peak period of egg production in laying hens

Feeding a protein chicken requires 12 to 15 grams of protein per egg. When the egg production rate reaches 90%, the diet containing 19% of protein must be fed, and when the egg production rate reaches 70%, the diet containing 17% of protein should be fed. In general, for every 10% increase in egg production, protein levels in the diet should increase by approximately 1%. In addition, when the increase in egg production rate is foreseen, a higher protein level diet should be fed one week earlier, and when the egg production rate begins to decline, the protein level of the diet should also be reduced by one week. Supplementing green and green feed is rich in protein, vitamins, chlorophyll and many unknown nutritional factors, and appropriate feeding of some green feed can increase egg production. Calcium supplement According to research, calcium supplementation is better for laying hens from 12 to 18 hours per day. The dietary calcium content of laying hens is generally higher than 3%, and the calcium content in the diets at the peak of egg production can be increased to 4%; when the laying rate is 65% to 80%, the calcium content in the diets should be Keep at 3% to 3.25%. Placing bowls containing shell powder and bone meal in the house or on the playing field allows the chicken to eat freely, which also has good results. Artificial supplement light supplements generally start at 21 weeks of age in laying hens, increase lighting by 30 minutes per week at 21 to 24 weeks of age, increase lighting by 30 minutes every two weeks after 25 weeks of age, until daylight hours reach 16 hours per day. In the last 4 weeks of egg production, light is added for another hour each day until the end of the first egg production year. Reducing stress in laying hens is very sensitive to changes in the environment. Therefore, in the critical period when the flock reaches the peak of egg production, effective measures should be taken to reduce stress and keep the flock high-yield and stable. The hens that ensure the health of the flock at the peak of egg production have weak resistance and are vulnerable to disease. Special attention must be paid to the environment and feed hygiene to ensure the health of the flock.

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Biological Culture Instrument

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