Current rapeseed field management measures

1, due to fertilization management. After the transplanting of rapeseed this year, it was prolonged drought and less rain. Precipitation in the previous stage was conducive to the growth of rapeseed. In terms of fertilizers, the basal fatty and sufficient-growing plots could not be fertilized, and they would grow steadily and sparingly, but they did not use enough for late planting and base fertilizer. The current poor growth of weak seedlings, stiff seedlings (leaves only 3 or so, and stem red leaves) or uneven growing rapeseed fields, to make up, chase fertilizing materials, fertilization to organic fertilizer, thin field Can increase 5-10 kilograms of urea per acre, "to raise the seedlings to catch the Yellow Pond," and promote the transformation of seedlings, and strive to seedlings overwinter.

2, Tian Qing ditch, reasoning. The undisturbed plots should take advantage of the opportunity to blitz and open the inner trenches, dig wells outside the field, and improve the drainage and drainage. To prevent severe waterlogging caused by continuous rainy weather in winter and spring, when digging trenches and clearing trenches, the trench should be evenly covered in the roots and stems of rapeseeds, especially high-growth seedlings should be buried in soil in the root neck, to avoid the emergence of seedlings, resulting in lack of seedlings phenomenon.

3, due to grass warming, removal. For grassland damage to the standard plots, it is necessary to seize the favorable opportunity for warm and warm temperatures before winter, and choose the right medicine to eliminate it as soon as possible. More than 50 common weeds per square foot and more than 10 broad-leaved weeds per square foot must be controlled. Grasp the sunny days of daily average temperatures above 5°C to increase the effectiveness of the herbicide and avoid the production of drugs. harm. Rape field grass weeds can be used to control grass or 15% fine stable kill, etc., broadleaf weeds such as pigs, cattle and other broad-leaved weeds, can use 30% more than good control, single, dicotyledons mixed miscellaneous The grass can be manually removed by high-tech control or combined with winter-spring cultivators.

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