Eggplant fertilization pay attention to four points

Fertilization at Seedling Stage In order to grow seedlings with thick stems, short internodes, and well-developed root systems, bed soil must be fertile. In a bed of 11.3 square meters, 200 kg of organic fertilizer is applied, 0.5 kg of superphosphate and 0.5 kg of potassium sulfate, and the bed soil is mixed with the fertilizer. Can also be applied manure mixed fertilizer 100-150 kg and nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium compound fertilizer 1 kg.

Basal fat eggplant fertilizer and fertilizer, must be re-base fertilizer. Before spreading the ground, spread 5000-7000 kg of organic fertilizer per acre, apply 15 kg of superphosphate and 10 kg of potassium sulfate, and then plow till the soil is used for soil preparation; 3000-5000 kg of organic fertilizer may be applied per acre before turning to the ground. Fertilizer, and then do hoeing or hoeing, transplanting and then application or ditch 1500 kg of organic fertilizer and 25-50 kg of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium compound fertilizer.

During the lifetime of eggplant, it takes a long time to grow fertilizer. The absorption of nutrients by eggplant rapidly increases after the flowering period. Therefore, the key period of topdressing is the harvest of “door-to-door winks” to “four-door fights”. During this time, it can be topdressed once every 10 days, each time after the application of ammonium sulfate 15-20 kilograms or urea 7.5-10 kilograms, of course, it is best to follow the application of decomposed human excrement 500-600 kilograms. The fertilization method can be applied by ditching, acupuncture or flushing with water.

Precautions During the later growth period of eggplant, it is best not to chase the phosphate fertilizer so as not to promote seed development in the fruit, and the seed coat hardens to reduce the commercial value of the eggplant fruit. During the fertilization process, it is necessary to grasp the principle of applying organic manure and supplemented by chemical fertilizers. The amount of chemical fertilizers should not be too large, especially nitrogen fertilizers, so as to avoid large accumulation of nutrients in the flower buds, resulting in the formation of carpels in the process of cell division. It even leads to the accumulation of nitrate in eggplant tissue.


Shaoxing Gangfeng Hospital Products Co.,Ltd. ,