American scientists claim that cow's gastric juice can generate electricity

The cow's rumen (the ruminant first stomach) is expected to become a very promising source of electric power, the US scientists announced on September 1.
Ankeristi, a scientist from the University of Ohio, explained: “The stomach juice of cattle cannot itself be used as a source of electrical energy, but a kind of microorganism in stomach juice can decompose and produce electricity. This kind of microorganism is abundant in feeds such as ruminal digestion grass. In the cellulose process, a large amount of electrons can be produced.” After extensive research, Krishti discovered that microorganisms contained in the rumen of gastric juice in half litre of cows can produce 600 millivolts of electricity. Thus, Christie designed a special laboratory equipment to prove it in depth.
Krishti extracted gastric juice from the rumen of live cattle through a catheter and then simulated the rumen to make two sterile glassware. Each glassware was 1 foot high (about 30 centimeters) and 6 inches in diameter (about 15 inches). cm). The two glass vessels are connected together and separated by a special substance, one of which is positive and the other negative. The positive electrode vessel was filled with rumen gastric juice and cellulose to induce the decomposition of microorganisms; the negative electrode vessel was filled with potassium ferricyanide, a chemical substance that helped form a current loop. "When electrons can move from the positive electrode to the negative electrode through a special intermediate material, a current is formed at the end." According to Christy, this method obtains a maximum voltage of 0.58 volts. After 4 days, the voltage drops to 0.2 volts, but when After adding fresh cellulose to the positive vessel, the voltage was restored to 0.58 volts.
According to Crestig, the microbes are also found in cattle's feces, and cow's feces can directly provide fuel cells with energy. A fuel-rechargeable battery made of cow dung can produce 300 to 400 millivolts of electricity per cell.
“It is still too early to say whether cow's gastric juice and cow dung may be a source of good quality electrical energy, because after all, the electrical energy obtained through this method is relatively small. However, as far as the current research shows, it is very likely that cattle will be on a certain day in the future. It is very important for developing countries to become a source of cheap electricity," said Christy.

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