How to prevent vegetable tigers

The ground tiger is a polyphagous pest that can harm a variety of vegetables, such as solanaceae, legumes, crucifers, cucurbits, and spinach, lettuce, etc. It can also harm corn, sorghum, cotton, tobacco and other crops. In addition, we can also feed on a variety of weeds, such as wolfberry, small peony, small bindweed, pigweed, leeks and so on.

The tiger larvae endanger the seedlings of vegetables and crops, and bite the tender stems of the seedlings near the ground, resulting in the lack of seedlings and ridges. When harming cabbage and Chinese cabbage, it can also be drilled into the leaves to bite the leaves and affect the quality.

Main prevention measures:

I. Agricultural control measures

1, remove weeds. In the early spring, weeds, weeds, and weeds on the roadsides of the fields can be removed and taken outside the fields for timely treatment or fattening, which can eliminate eggs and larvae on the grass.

2, spring plowing land. Can destroy the eggs on the surface. Falling soil and winter irrigation in the fall can kill some of the overwintering larvae and earthworms.

3, yellow ground tiger hi lay eggs in sesame, sorghum and other seedlings, these plants can be used to trap egg-laying plants, lure adults to spawn, when the plants are trapped, spraying once every 5 days, 20 days after treatment Drop it.

Second, chemical control measures

1, spraying. Before the 3rd instar of the tiger, the seedlings were damaged on the ground and they should be sprayed in time. Can be used 2.5% trichlorfon powder spray, 1.5-2 kg per mu, or with 90% trichlorfon powder 800-1000 times or 80% dichlorvos EC 1500 times spray.

2, apothecary sand. With 2.5% trichlorfon powder 1.5-2 kg per mu, mixed with about 10 kg of fine sand, sprinkled on the ground around the plant, can kill the larvae of unearthing activities at night.

3, liquid irrigation. In the larger worm-infested areas, 80% dichlorvos EC, 50% phoxim EC, and 50% diazinon EC can be used to irrigate and kill the larvae in the soil.

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