Chunlan autumn maintenance key

Chunlan pots continue to be cultivated after flowering, but how to make it one year better than one year, the maintenance and management of the autumn is the key.
If it is too dry in the fall, orchids are very vulnerable to injury, affecting growth and causing the arrow to shrink. Be sure to keep the basin moist, sprinkle water sooner or later, maintain the blue leaves, and increase the air humidity. If orchids do not have light, the flowers are not good; in the absence of shade in summer, the leaves are not blooming. However, after the “equinoxes” and “cold dew”, there is no need to shave them, allowing them to receive more sunlight in order to benefit the growth of the arrow, full bloom, and flourish in the coming year. In case of rainy days, it is necessary to pay attention to ventilation and shelter from rain to prevent disease. With the weather turning cold, gradually reducing the number of watering, the basin can be micro-tidal in winter. Watering in autumn and winter should be carried out at a slightly warmer noon and slowly poured along the basin. Orchids are not like fertilizers. They are applied before and after the “equinox” and they do not need to be fertilized until half a month after flowering. Flower arrows should be reserved for growth on new bulbs, leaving three or four selected, and the rest cut off to preserve large fragrant flowers. Chunlan must spend two months in the cold room in the winter to make its arrowheads grow and develop. Orchids, which are generally conserved, can bloom early during the Spring Festival.

foot patch

The wood vinegar detox patch has been researching the bamboo for 26 years, after the 26 year`s researching, they discovered an amazing fact: A mature bamboo will absorb 3-4 tons of water per day from the underground. The bamboo has the super-absorb ability. Put the high quality bamboo under high temperature, after several days, the researchers got the bamboo vinegar liquid, which also have the super-absorb ability. But the bamboo vinegar liquid can not be delivered and used conveniently. In order to solve this problem, the professor invented special high technology to solve this problem. Use this special technology, the PHD distilled the bamboo liquid. And finally get the bamboo vinegar extract. 

Bamboo Health essence powder, chitin, vitamin E, Agaricus blazei, wormwood extract and other natural extracts.
[Applicable population] Sub-health group, long-term use of sub-health state can have a secondary role in conditioning.

Foot Detox Pads

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